I’ve always marveled at how hibernating or migrating species know it’s time to get up or return. Or, why humans get that uncontrollable urge this time of year to throw things out, wash off the winter grime, weed garden beds, re-organize the shed, start the new exercise program. Best of ALL, from my perspective, is the urge to get the ole ball club out there, throw the ball around, field some grounders, take your swings, and work on the double play as you (impatiently) wait for that wonderful command that is the “real” start of my year. Play Ball!!. It’s Opening Day!
Last weekend we started removing seasonal dead stuff from the flower beds. We walked the perimeter of the ranch picking up what the winter winds blew in, rocked where the coyotes dug and discovered where Atticus deposited my drip system tubing he pulled out of the garden last fall.

We pick up our heavier garments from boutiques and bag them for storage. (Yup, we will have a winter wear sale later in the spring). Sandy shepherded our new lighter-weight designs with the wonderful spring colors through the design stage to seamstresses and into our boutiques.

Just like the Red Sox‘s (Yup! Dyed in the wool fan FOREVER) pitching rotation, we’ve made some changes this spring, a new and “better” website. With our partners, web creators Ryno Technologies, photo meister David Nufer and social media / content guru Kelly Koepke we’ve studied the old website and “listened” to your comments and have come up with a new one that will serve you better.
As you learned in our last blog post, this is the first time we have used a model on the website product section, Now you can see how the garment hangs, and view front and back to better gauge whether it will look good on you. There are also more descriptive product blurbs by which to understand our garments, accessories and fabrics.
Just as in baseball, and the anticipated showcasing all of the new players on Opening Day, minor glitches develop. Some of the new players won’t take the field for a couple of games. Beta testing of our new site revealed some correctable issues. Correct them we must before our “official” Opening Day of our new site. So either go online and watch our progress or wait for the official “Play Ball” announcement that the revamped website is ready for the big leagues.
The best news? Our Spring & Summer styles are ready to go.
See you on the field……. Lee