I know, I know. It’s August. But we are in full tilt boogie getting ready for Fall. The second weekend in September is the Western Design Conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It is a big event with lots of high end artisans. And Whispirit will debut our new line of 2016 Fall fashions in the opening night fashion show held Thursday, September 8th at 6 pm. The FeltLOOM and the sewing machines are running long hours as we prepare those new garments.

Here are a few pictures of items that we have already sent to Dave Nufer to photograph. Obviously red, black and grey are prominent in this first batch. We think the collage trim adds a level of pizzazz that will make these garments come alive on a runway. And we are working on a wonderful, rich orange fabric and collage that we will photograph next week.

Back to the sewing machine. Til next time, Sandy