From last week’s blog you know that we were in Seattle for a few days. Returning from Seattle, we found our senses of sight, taste, and smell had been tickled to “overload.” We’re bursting with new ideas for designs and colors. Prior to departure we took several “sewing” machines in for servicing. They were to supposed to be ready upon our return. Of course, they weren’t. Acceptable reasons but, still not ready. So no sewing …
Probably just as well, it’s hot! Outside and inside. Unusually hot for the high plains desert of New Mexico. Too hot for hiking. Too hot for gardening. Where are the monsoons that kicked off July with breezes that kept day time temperatures at the mid-80?? In July when the sun goes down behind the Sandias, it’s supposed to be chilly! Instead the evening air is still and hot and we gather all the fans we own.

If the sewing machines were here and the FeltLOOM were running it would be even hotter in the Fabric Design Center. This is probably a good time to do a little maintenance such as checking needle boards and cleaning fiber dust from inside the FeltLOOM. Inventory needs to be checked to determine what is going with us to the Western Design Conference in Jackson, WY, along with our new creations. That’s not as hot as running the equipment, and you can sit right in front of a fan.
Sandy has been putting off trying some new hat designs, favoring new scares and shawls that sell so well at Handwoven Originals during the Santa Fe Opera season. Now’s a good time because making hat molds while sitting in front of a fan is a lot cooler than running around the FeltLOOM and “banging” out — literally — scarves and shawls. Only trouble with sitting in front of the fan while shaping a hat mold is that the Styrofoam blows all over and you get hot sweeping it up.
Or, maybe we should just follow our dogs’ example? It is after all their days. They run at night and sleep all day in the coolest spots they can find (often the Loom Room.)
Phone just rang — sewing machines are ready to be picked up. Sandy is already out the door. Oh no, it’s about to get hotter.
Until next time ……. Lee