Sandy was attending the Sewing & Stitchery Expo in Puyallup, Washington (try saying that 5 times standing on our left foot) last week. She will report that creative and networking experience in next week’s blog.
After a weekend with our grandson Evan and his parents in Dupont, WA, she is now in Seattle helping our chef son, Chris, get settled into his apartment before starting his new adventure. He just moved from Boston. Chris will be cooking at Bar Melusine and The Walrus and the Carpenter both part of the Sea Creatures restaurant group in Seattle (Google it).
So, you ask, is this all down time at Whispirt? Not at all. I get a chance to catch up
on all the paper work and get the annual financial figures in order to get our taxes filed. I find time to continue a 20-something year tradition (started when both boys were young ), of watching stupid movies while Sandy’s away and I get to try on silly hats.
Atticus gets to sit backwards in his chair and he finds time to walk a cat.
I do have a big surprise for Sandy when she returns from this trip. Our Fabric Design Center (aka: the garage) is very dark. There are only very small windows on the sides. We have to use lots of artificial lighting when it’s too cold or windy to open the “big” doors. While Sandy has been away I had two panels in the garage doors changed from solid to windows. Check out the difference.

Creating this year’s spring and summer garments is going to be a whole lot more enjoyable. I wonder how it will effect Sandy’s creativity. Watch this blog and website to see.
Until next week……….. Lee