My turn to write the weekly blog. Sandy is in overdrive getting ready to leave tomorrow (Tuesday) for the Handweavers Guild of America’s convergence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Three of her favorite coats will be on the runway in the “Moving Fashion Forward” show on Wednesday evening. With our busy days, trying to make time to pack and finish projects in progress causes heightened stress. Yep, its my turn to write the blog.
After several of you asked, I decided it was time for an update on our four legged partners. Generally, everyone is doing just fine despite the unusually hot summer weather. New Mexico’s monsoon season has finally arrived bringing cooler temperatures and much needed rain. Between the interior of the barn and shadows cast by structures and trees, the dogs, cats and alpacas all manage to find a spot to get out of the intense New Mexico sun. We have water tanks and buckets strategically placed around the ranch whose contents constantly require refilling. We learned almost from the beginning while filling water tanks that the alpaca LOVE to be hosed down in the heat of the summer. They actually line up daily for that treat.

You will recall that our only birth this year was a bit of a surprise. As we were not expecting Dday, who was born June 6 – aka DeDe, her mother did not receive the extra protein we give the expecting moms 90 days out, thus, she was underweight. As you can see, however, DeDe is just fine.

Woodstock, who was attacked by an unknown predator a few months ago, lost a big hunk of fleece and skin, requiring surgery. This attack was in early April and since the surgery we have had to frequently clean the wound area, removing scabs to allow new skin growth. Note how the wound is closing with new skin. But progress is very slow. Otherwise, Woodstock is doing great.

Sundance, the senior Great Pyrenees, is showing signs of his age and slowing down a bit (just like me). He sleeps more than he used to, and we’ve noticed that he is more willing to let Atticus go check on minor noises and disturbances. Atticus is, well, Atticus. He has moved into the role of checking out everything and reporting his findings to Sundance. When they patrol together, Atticus always assumes a respectful pace or two behind Sundance.

Salty still exhausts himself trying to herd everything EXCEPT the cats. He finally figured that one out. Lately, he has become a real snuggle dog and particularly needs to snuggle during the afternoon monsoon thundering. Osita and Yeti our other two rescue dogs continue in their roles as security helpers for Sundance & Atticus. But they spend the balance of their time just being good ole comfort dogs – always happy to see us and appreciate any attention. Osita and Yeti almost always accompany us on our hikes.

A sad development. Our beloved long haired cat Abbott disappeared recently. We all loved that big black cat and he had managed to survive living about the ranch for seven years. We suspect a Great Horned owl, who has been living in a tree on our property for a while. RIP Abbott. Between coyotes and the owl, we are now down to four barn cats. Such is the cycle of life.
Thank you for your interest from all of the creatures, two legged and four, here at the ranch. Til next time, Lee.