‘Tis a great holiday season. At Whispirit, we have been delighted to provide unique, American made, super warm, and extra cuddly gifts to customers who are gifting in celebration of their special holidays, as well as customers who gifted something special to his or herself. We have especially enjoyed working with those of you who have envisioned a gift for a very special person and helped us to understand how you envisioned the fabric and the design. We learn from each of you.
At Whispering Spirit Alpacas ranch, we additionally have special celebrations during this season. We celebrate the birthdays of our dedicated ranch hand, both of our sons, a very special significant other, and Lee’s mother. Christmas is a holiday in which we both delight, with all of its gaiety, lights, close family and friends and, of course, those wonderful holiday special foods.
We do feel a bit like the elves of our family traditions, working work hard setting up holiday gatherings. Then we come together to cook, to celebrate and to relax with satisfaction. We hope you do, too.
We are so grateful for the many who helped us bring our product to you and wish our seamstresses, fiber mills, alpacas, ranch hand, designers, media specialists, photographers, store clerks, boutiques, alpacas, Great Pyrenees, friends, family, barn cats and rescue dogs for being part of our holiday season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus and Happy Holidays to all and to all a good rest.
Lee and Sandy