I am certain that George Santayana anticipated Whispirit’s creations when he wrote: “The earth has music for those who listen.”
This is the time of year when Sandy seeks solitude to listen for the “music” that inspires her creativity which become Whispirit creations. You might think that Sandy would escape to a remote high mountain or deep desert retreat. Nope. Actually, she retires to the Fabric Design Center (FDC), aka: our garage.

Decent space. After all, it was built to be a three car garage. Our cars, however, have NEVER seen the inside. Thus, we never use the term “garage.” Cement floors covered with alpaca rugs, maize yellow walls, art (some created by Sandy) on the wall and a refrigerator in which adult beverages are kept until needed (daily between 5 & 6).
Usually the FDC (or Loom Room) is shared space. Our Whispirit resources and supplies (FeltLoom, cutting & design table, steam press, many containers filled with fleece batts and finished items racks) take up about 4/5ths of the FDC. I am assigned about 1/5th of the space for a work area. Well, a work bench, tools for Whispirit equipment and my pottery supplies. (My 1/5th seems to be shrinking). It’s cozy for our shared work. Most of the year we are making fabric, it’s shared space. We are a team of two and I am very much part of the process.
But during this time of year Sandy is by choice alone, listening, and creating. Fabric remnants, batts, roving, silk, yarn, fabric paints & dyes, stencils and block paints are everywhere. It’s Manhattan Project ground zero. A space heater and Sandy’s Uggs become most essential. I venture in only when summoned for assistance by the emergency calls, “Help the silk is stuck in the loom!” or “get Atticus the hell out of here. He’s eating the fabric.”

No, the space is not quiet. Loud music apparently inspires Sandy’s creative “listening”. From Yo Yo Ma to Eric Clapton, to Annie Lenox, to Modest Mouse. When creativity gets really stuck, Enya or the Rolling Stones can be heard wafting to all corners of our ten-acre ranch.

Surprising, fun, amazing and beautiful creations emerge from Sandy’s listening to the earth.
Watch this site for Sandy’s creativity. Thanks…….. Lee