This year, fall on New Mexico’s desert high plains has been unseasonably warm, pushing thoughts of winter into the distant future. But, the signs of winter’s approach are everywhere, and they should be unmistakable. 365 bales of hay just arrived in the barn to the delight of the alpacas. This cache is intended to get us through the winter and beyond the first cut of next year’s grass hay.
Three cords of firewood are looking gray and seasoned, ready for the recently cleaned wood stove.
Gardens have lost their vibrant colors, except for the vines, which turned an electric orange.
All the fields are brown and the tumbleweeds are stacking up along our fence lines, waiting to be made into the Southwest’s version of snowmen. Our alpacas are getting that fluffy, cuddly look that assures them of being good and warm through the next several months, and us that there will be another fleece harvest come spring.
Signs of winter’s approach abound in the Fabric Design Center as well. Sandy is now calling for
double sheets of fabric from which to design our garments that much more snugly and warm. White, green, and light fawn fabrics of last summer have given way to blacks, dark grays and browns for the alluring look of winter and warmth. Fall’s signs are everywhere telling us winter is on its way. Are you prepared?
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